Backpack for students

A Colombian apparel company has developed a new baby bulletproof vest and backpack for children after the tragic shooting at a primary school in Connecticut.

Colombian businessman Miguel Caballero said his company would produce children's clothing and bulletproof backpacks and launch the market in the next two weeks to meet the growing demand following the gunfire. at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut on December 14, killing 21 students.

Picture 1 of Backpack for students
Entrepreneur Miguel Caballero and the vest and bulletproof backpack for students.

Mr Caballero said the fabric used for tailoring the backpack and backpack was relatively light and looked like a normal fabric, but that it was capable of intercepting shotguns from pistols or machine guns, in the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The bulletproof material is made of stitched inside a synthetic nylon that can slow down the speed of the bullet. As proof of his clothing and bulletproof backpacks, Colombian entrepreneurs fired firearms at their own personnel wearing bulletproof helmets.

Miguel Caballero said the fabric for bulletproof clothing is very popular in Mexico and other Latin American countries. However, the cost of a bulletproof suit includes a jacket and backpack that is quite high up to several thousand dollars.

Prior to that, the company Amendment II in Utah (USA) gave the mayor a vest and bulletproof suit for more affordable students, with a $ 500 vest and a bulletproof backpack. is 300 USD.