Lettuce - a new source of anti-cancer pharmaceutical materials

Italian scientists have discovered a promising new weapon in the fight against cancer: cedar, a species that grows in Southeast Asia.

Picture 1 of Lettuce - a new source of anti-cancer pharmaceutical materials

Isatis tinctoria - Isatis tinctoria
(Photo: jardin-mundani.info)

According to researchers at the Industrial Tree Experimental Institute in Bologna (Italy), in the cypress tree - Isatis tinctoria - contains a large amount of glucobrassicin (GBS), a substance capable of fighting cancer and Currently used as a major source of medicinal ingredients to prepare the necessary compounds in some cancer drugs today.

It is also present in broccoli, cabbage and Brassicaceae plants. However, 'blue parts can produce more glucobrassicin than broccoli up to 60 times, and in a more pure form,' said Stefania Galletti, a researcher.

Tung lam is also a tree of the Brassicaceae family. Since thousands of years ago, it has been used as a dye. In the last century, it has been less used as a dye by the presence of indigo trees.

Scientists believe that the discovery will open up a new source of medicinal materials to prepare drugs to help prevent cancer, especially breast cancer.