Li explained the phenomenon of ear holes stinking ... rotten cheese that anyone wears advice also

If you have a piercing, you will probably know that the stinking smell is extremely characteristic, like rotten cheese. But why?

Are you piercing your ears? If so, you will probably find this phenomenon very familiar: the piercing area has a gray or brown dirty viscous latex on it. This pus can stick to the earrings, and it comes with an extremely hard-to-smell smell, like a rotten cheese.

Picture 1 of Li explained the phenomenon of ear holes stinking ... rotten cheese that anyone wears advice also
The phenomenon of cheese ears can happen to anyone who wears piercings.

In Western countries, people call that dirty viscous layer "cheese cheese", or more compact "ear cheese" (ear cheese).

This phenomenon happens to most people who wear earrings, in which almost every wearer has met at least once in their life.

But what is the nature of phenomena?

The so-called "cheese" of the ear is actually a mixture of oil and dead skin that accumulates for a long time . Our bodies continually renew and replace dead skin cells. The dead skin layer will be removed during the process of movement, but mostly through bathing.

Picture 2 of Li explained the phenomenon of ear holes stinking ... rotten cheese that anyone wears advice also
New ears piercings also have a higher risk.

However, the ear hole area is relatively difficult to clean, so dead skin and oil tend to accumulate over time. Bacteria approach this area, eat and release sulfur-based chemicals, making your ears smell bad.

In particular, new ear piercers are also at higher risk, because the body is still reacting to the wound by actively producing new skin cells.

Is the cheese ears dangerous?

Yes and no ! Cheese ears can happen to anyone who wears the piercings, and it can cause certain painful discomfort, even infections. However, this is a very easy phenomenon to handle if encountered, so it is not too dangerous.

Picture 3 of Li explained the phenomenon of ear holes stinking ... rotten cheese that anyone wears advice also
The so-called "cheese" of the ear is actually a mixture of oil and dead skin that accumulates for a long time.

To get rid of this nasty cheese, you can remove the tips, thoroughly wash your piercings and ears with warm water and cotton. In addition, to minimize the smell coming later, always make sure the piercing area is clean, and avoid wearing it for too long.

Some cases of wearing an advisor for too long without cleaning can cause an ear infection.

Then, use warm salt water to wash, then bandage again. If the wound becomes serious, consider seeking help from a doctor.

And finally, you should consider carefully before piercing, especially with large size tips. The bigger the wound, the higher the risk of infection, and may even make you lose your ear.