Listen to the weird 'real voice' of animals

These animals also know how to sing like birds, fake trumpets, or "scream" engine sounds . very nicely.

The world of animals on Earth is immense with millions of different species. Each of them has many interesting characteristics, typically the ability to create sounds 1-0-2 .

Find out the strange voices of the seemingly familiar animals through the article below.

1. Newspaper . knows "singing"

The Cheetah newspaper is the fastest animal running on the ground in the world. They are mainly distributed throughout Africa and Asia, however, the number of Cheetah newspapers is significantly reduced by the encroachment of human habitats.

Picture 1 of Listen to the weird 'real voice' of animals

Besides the rarity, Cheetah is also known to have a rather strange cry. Unlike the species of the big cat family, leopard hunting cannot roar but can only cry "chirps" just like a bird.

This makes Cheetah newspaper difficult to take care of young children. Each time the mother told her to look for her prey, they would scream like a bird and make the big carnivores pay attention and attack the small nest. Therefore, only about 10% of children can survive over one year, the rest often die due to being eaten by hyenas.

2. Animals with pockets like a chainsaw

Picture 2 of Listen to the weird 'real voice' of animals

Brushtail is a popular and widespread animal throughout Australia. They belong to the omnivorous class and love to infiltrate people's gardens to feed. In addition, they are also known as bandits with the art of nesting eggs.

However, dogs with brushtail are very often attacked and threatened by big birds. At such times, Brushtail will hiss his larynx, creating a sound like a chainsaw. Some others make sounds like a car getting on the station.

3. Pig owl screams like a cat

Pig owl is a solitary bird of prey and found on all continents. The size of the pig owl is quite large, the head is big and the legs are strong with sharp claws. Their peculiarities are heart-shaped, surrounded by feathers. These feathers, apart from the positioning effect, are also related to amplifying the screams of the owl creating a horrifying sound like in a horror movie.

Picture 3 of Listen to the weird 'real voice' of animals

Their screams usually last about two seconds, mainly to call their children to check on the nest or to ward off threats. The sound of the howling of children is less frequent but sounds even more horrifying than a male, sharp, intense, causing a creepy feeling

When hunting, they will sound like a pig, at night. However, at times of danger and feeling threatened, the bird makes high-pitched or shrieking sounds like a cat.

4. Fake horns come out

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Elk is a large mammal species distributed in mountainous areas of North America and East Asia. An elk can be nearly 2.7m tall, if a giant gauze sheet is included. In addition to the large size, this deer has the ability to create an extremely strange sound.

It was during the breeding season, during the race for children, the males tried to make a weird sound to attract their partners. The sound starts with a hiss, then lasts for a few seconds before creating another series of small sounds. This melody is no different from the challenging sound of the battle trumpet in the war.

5. Elephants "roar" the sound of engines

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Along with the familiar roar, elephants are also known for their ability to create rumbling sounds like a moving massif, or the sound of a giant machine, closer to the buzzing of the hungry hungry belly. stomach. This is the way they are used in communication, created by the vibrations in the throat.

This sound is considered to be extremely important because the rumbling noise is more and more expressing the dominance of the elephant in the herd. In addition, this sound also helps elephants scare off enemies, protecting their territory from invasion by other elephants.

In many cases, this sound is also used to mobilize, gather individuals in the herd to feed, or to save young children in distress. An elephant can emit this sound so loudly, one visitor at 1-2km away mistakenly thinks a large car is coming from afar.

6. Mockingbirds of all languages

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Mockingbird is a classification of sparrow groups, living a lot in the Americas and Australia. They are extremely famous for being able to imitate the cries of many different birds, sometimes sounds of insects or amphibians.

A young mockingbird will quickly learn the songs of dozens of other birds, imitate and "sing" to everyone. They constantly absorb and repeat entirely new sounds throughout their lives. Mockingbirds often create different simulated sounds that last for about 20 seconds, then move through the sound of another species easily.