Little secret about the cause of the iPad

Scott Forstall, former leader of Apple's software and who created the iOS operating system for the early iPhone, has revealed a little secret about the cause of the iPad.

Forstall at a conference at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, USA on June 20, said Mr. Steve Jobs, the late CEO and CEO of Apple, did not like it. What is a leader of Microsoft who once told him about the plans to build a pen and tablet.

Picture 1 of Little secret about the cause of the iPad
Scott Forstall in a seminar at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, USA on June 20.(Photo: AppleInsider).

"The iPhone has a very complete cycle of it. We started the tablet project in a strange way. It started because Steve hated that man at Microsoft," Forstall said.

The talk at the Computer History Museum was one of Forstall's first public statements since leaving Apple in October 2012. The narration of this expert coincides with the content of a memoir of former Apple CEO, written by writer Walter Isaacson with the title "Steve Jobs". In his memoir, Jobs said: "This dinner is the 10th time he told me about it. I was so fed up with it that I came home and told myself, '. Let him see a machine. How can the tablet really be ''.

Apple introduced the first iPad in 2010, three years after the iPhone first launched. But the company actually started developing tablets before smartphones. Forstall said that changed, and Apple began shifting to developing phones after an exchange between him and Jobs.

According to Forstall, Jobs CEO and a number of other characters at Apple began to realize that phones are what could hurt iPod sales because more people listen to music on such devices. Mr. Jobs saw an internal model for tablet software and asked Mr. Forstall and his colleagues "to shrink its size to a phone".

Picture 2 of Little secret about the cause of the iPad
According to Forstall, the iPad came into being because Mr. Jobs disliked a Microsoft boss.(Photo: MacRumors).

When he saw the phone software, Mr. Jobs suspended the iPad development project to build the iPhone first. iPhone has become the best-selling smartphone and helps Apple become the most lucrative company in the world. More than two-thirds of the sales of Apples are derived from the iPhone.

Forstall headed the software creation department for Apple's first iPhone, racking up exactly a decade ago. He is very close to Mr. Jobs and famous in the company who is difficult to collaborate.

Tim Cook, who took over as CEO of Apple in August 2011, fired Mr. Forstall on the grounds that he was not responsible for problems with the Apple Maps map application. This is the company's first attempt to release its own mapping software to replace Google Maps. However, this software was not completed when it was released in September 2012, leading to inaccurate directions and geographic data. Mr. Cook immediately announced his apology to the customer for releasing a product that did not meet its commitment to the user.