Using the iPad looks out for chronic muscle pain

Experts warn that people who regularly use tablets can have chronic muscle pain.

Many injuries show the 'iPad hand' symptom similar to 'Blackberry finger' - finger pain occurs for people who frequently roll balls on smartphones.

Picture 1 of Using the iPad looks out for chronic muscle pain
Typing with the iPad for a long time will cause pain
muscles in some parts of the body. (Source: Telegraph)

Many people say that the iPad helps users to freely browse the web or compose an email thanks to the large touch screen, which means that there is no need for a bulky keyboard. However, many tablet users are calling for pain because they often hold device, as well as pain in the fingers used to type text and surf the screen.

Some people have pain in their arms and neck when they often leave the device on their knees. This posture causes users to bend their bodies so they are prone to neck pain.

Some people often put their iPads in their palms and use their index fingers to type. This position makes the lower corners of the iPad lean on the muscle part of the hand, causing this part to hurt after a period of use.

'It's hard to find the right posture when using the iPad. In my opinion, this device is not suitable for long-term typing , " commented Cyndi Davis, author of Ergolab, a blog about labor research.