Live with plants in closed rooms

The project is called Eden with the participation of 'brave' people who are Professor Iain Stewart working at Plymouth University. Accordingly, he will live in a closed room with 160 plants.

The experiment will demonstrate that photosynthesis in plants will use CO2 due to the breathing of Iain Stewart emitted to produce oxygen, in contrast to his breathing. The size of the room is 2 x 6 x 2.5m and Iain Stewart will live in it for 48 hours with plants such as banana, miscanthus, corn . to produce high quality oxygen.

To avoid the danger for Iain Stewart, an oxygen monitoring system has been attached to the room, if oxygen drops to the minimum it will be added immediately.

According to the Daily Mail , this test will be conducted in mid-September to film BBC BBC's How Plants Made The World program and the movie will be shown in March to next year.

Picture 1 of Live with plants in closed rooms
Professor IainStewart