The project is called Eden with the participation of 'brave', Professor Iain Stewart, who is working at Plymouth University. Accordingly, he will live in a closed room with 160

Scientists at the Nijmegen University in the Netherlands have discovered a bacterium that can produce oxygen to breathe.

We know that frogs are amphibians that can breathe through their lungs and skin. But when they were tadpoles they lived completely under water.

When watching fireworks you should not breathe deeply, because fireworks smoke can exacerbate respiratory diseases like asthma.

Breathing dust off the road regularly will increase blood pressure, according to the study published by the American Heart Association.

Each year, Bach Mai Hospital's Poison Control Center (Hanoi) provides emergency treatment for 10 to 20 patients poisoning by inhaling coal gas.

Adding just one more hour of sleep each night may be a way to help you fight off a common cold.