Manufacturing supercomputers helps people do incredible things

Scientists have pursued the dream of creating a quantum computer long ago. This technology will give us the power to handle unimaginable issues.

And now, the core of quantum computing, a detailed plan for building the first open source has been announced.

This detailed plan will make a breakthrough in current technology, allowing us to be able to control a quantum computer about the size of a football field.

"We are finalizing the blueprint to build a large-scale quantum computer in practice," said scientist Winfried Hensinger of the University of Sussex's Ion Quantum Technology Group (UK). "Our lives will change completely. Humans will be able to do things that we never even dreamed of before."

Picture 1 of Manufacturing supercomputers helps people do incredible things
Quantum computers are capable of handling billions of times more powerful than conventional computers.(Image source: futurism).

Quantum computers are not a new theory. Physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1982 Richard Feynman proposed the idea of ​​this type of technology but so far, we are qualified to take the first steps.

Unlike conventional computers that are limited to binary codes 1 and 0, quantum computers work on quantum bits (quantum bits - qubits) . Thanks to the spooky quantum effect , each qubit can be brought to a state of 0, 1 or a combination of both.

While conventional bit computers can only display 0 or 1 at a single time, qubit computers can display both 0 and 1 at the same time. This allows them to perform multiple calculations simultaneously, giving quantum computers the ability to handle unprecedented processing power.

Google claims that they are developing a quantum computer called D-Wave 2X that can handle 100 million times faster than your laptop. However, it is not yet a true quantum computer.

Many scientific groups around the world are racing to build the first complete quantum computer. However, they face a huge barrier, that is, exploiting the odd quantum effect is not an easy thing.

Until now, scientists can only build devices that contain about 10-15 qubit. This number is not really big enough to create a revolution.

Picture 2 of Manufacturing supercomputers helps people do incredible things
Currently, scientists can only build devices that contain about 10-15 qubit.

"Quantum computers always encounter a situation called decoherence . The Qubit will lose its bizarre nature and become simple 0 and 1 bits. This is a serious obstacle. Art to build quantum computers in practice, " explains scientist Paul Rincon.

"We are developing an idea to allow this bug to be repaired, thereby creating the ability to build a device on a large scale , " Hensinger said. "To be able to invent new drugs, research." In the nature of reality, learning about the universe, designing new materials, we need more than 10 billion bits of quantum ".

That method is to use the magnetic area to trap traps (charged atoms). These magnetic areas will act as qubits and will exist in the system of thousands of modules linked together.

These square modules will be interchangeable continuously, replaced or added at will. In theory, this allows you to build a large quantum computer as you want.

Each module will contain approximately 2,500 qubit ions and the magnetic field will protect them from cohesion depletion, keeping them constantly in a quantum state.