March 6, 1869: The periodic table of chemistry was born

Notable events took place on March 6 in history.

March 6, 1869: Mendeleev announces the periodic table of chemical elements

Picture 1 of March 6, 1869: The periodic table of chemistry was born
Mendeleev's periodic table of chemical elements.

Dmitry Mendeleev is a Russian chemist, he was the first to find the rule and classify chemical elements. On March 6, 1869, Mendeleev created a periodic table of chemical elements, classifying elements into groups as well as arranging them according to a periodic process. In the last revised version in 1871, Mendeleev had a set of empty cells in his periodic table and predicted that these elements would be found in the future.

March 6, 1953: The first time DNA structure was found

Picture 2 of March 6, 1869: The periodic table of chemistry was born
Helical structure of DNA

In 1953, two scientists, James Watson and Francis Crick , sent their Nature magazine their first article on the structure of human DNA. These two scientists were the first to mention the two-stranded structure around the axes of DNA, the DNA being joined together in pairs.