Men are pregnant

Picture 1 of Men are pregnant Sanju Bhagat and his " younger brother " in the abdomen (Photo: HTV) The story seems to be only in this film that happened to Sanju Bhagat, an Indian citizen in Nagpur city. From birth, he had an enlarged abdomen and in June 1999, at the age of 36, his abdomen was as big as a pregnant woman's ninth month.

One day, too hard to breathe, he was put on a surgical table in Mumbai. Dr Ajay Mehta said: " Sanju's stomach is full of water. Put his hand in Sanju's abdomen, instead of bumping into a bump, he bumps into many bones and takes out his arms, legs, hair, limbs that grow and long nails . ".

As explained by Dr. Ajay Mehta, Sanju is a pregnancy case in pregnancy. In the history of world medicine, there are about 90 cases and normally both pregnancies die when the mother is born.

The rare case of the two Sanju brothers is a large fetus holding a small fetus and a small fetus that lives like a parasite thanks to an umbilical cord-like organ sucking the blood of a large fetus and continuing to grow until it makes it difficult for big pregnancy.

Currently, Sanju is healthy and lives a normal life, sometimes a bit embarrassing when asked by neighbors when they give birth to a baby. It is unclear why seven years passed and this incredible event was known to the press.