Men prefer having boys

Picture 1 of Men prefer having boys If you want to know if a man likes having a boy or a girl, you can find the answer easily by looking at their family tree.

Many people have long suspected that the men that most of their family members are male are likely to have a high proportion of boys, and vice versa. But that is just speculation without concrete evidence. So in December, a doctor hypothesized this problem and he decided to clarify.

In a study published in the Evolutionary Biology daily, researcher Corry Gallatly examined the family history of more than 900 Americans and 1,600 Europeans. The sex of the child is always assessed by the father, from the chromosome of the man - including the X or Y chromosome. Meanwhile, women produce only eggs carrying the X chromosome.

Gellatly sought evidence that men carry genes that determine the percentage of X and Y chromosomes in their semen and those genes come from three isotropic genes or copies. Mostly, one produces the X chromosome, the other is the Y chromosome and is sometimes balanced for both.

But considering the genes of a man in a family with more sons, it is possible to know that they will like to have more boys and they also have a stronger Y chromosome.