Microsoft's invention of clothing informed by ... electric shock

Microsoft has patented a special technology that allows the conveyance of messages by stimulating electrical waves of the wearer's clothing.

Clothing transmits information by electric shock

Modern life keeps people busy around work and life issues so there is little time to check for new messages, while the phone's vibrate option may not be easy at all. pay attention to.

Picture 1 of Microsoft's invention of clothing informed by ... electric shock

However, Microsoft has a solution to this problem with patented technology patents that help generate electrical stimuli on clothing or shoes just enough for the skin of the wearer whenever new announcements are made.

In the patent description, this technology can also be used to give notice when faded clothes, and to navigate with different stimuli around the body.

  1. The suit broadcasts Wi-Fi

Microsoft calls its new patent "devices that provide the ability to provide content to users modestly and hands-free."

The patent was first submitted in February 2014 and was recently approved on Thursday. However, perhaps the patent application is still an unknown story.