Video: Explain getting 'electric shock' whenever your elbow accidentally touches the hard object

This feeling is not pleasant but has a rather funny name: Funny bone.

Perhaps we have all experienced feeling like an electric shock when accidentally letting the elbow touch somewhere or hitting the concave for example.

Picture 1 of Video: Explain getting 'electric shock' whenever your elbow accidentally touches the hard object
The phenomenon of "laughing bones" is very common in life.(Photo Wonderopolis).

As fast as electricity, this feeling will disappear soon after but enough for your face to grimace, annoyed. But this phenomenon has a completely opposite numbness: Funny bone!

You may also experience this feeling more often when sitting with your legs bent in a long position, causing your legs to become numb and when standing up the unpleasant sensation even lasts for a long time.

Although they are only non-dangerous phenomena, if you find the time lasts too long, you should also pay attention and go to the doctor for advice right away because you probably have a syndrome of bone pillar .