Don't let any unfortunate accident happen to regret it later when you don't pay attention to charging such a small phone.

There has been a report of a man dying from urination on the subway train, so how is the truth? What happens if you urinate on an electric fence?

Perhaps we have all experienced feeling like an electric shock when accidentally letting the elbow touch somewhere or hitting the concave for example.

There are many reasons why you don't like winter at all, but perhaps the most annoying thing is that you often encounter small electric shocks that make you feel numb.

A very small detail on the electrical plugs many people do not notice but in fact it has a very important role to ensure your safety when using electricity.

People can hold their breath for 3 minutes, fast for 3 days, fast for 3 weeks, but how long can they stay up? How much is the environment tolerant?

Life still happens miracles and contains endless surprises. Here are 5 incredible and incredible abilities of babies around the world.

Male beetles when attempting to mate with decoys are a fake beetle that will be destroyed by a 4,000 volt electric current.

The researchers said that the amount of charge on the spider's silk could cause paralysis.

The cause of 323 dead reindeer species on the Hardangervidda plateau of Norway is due to the behavior of clumping together in bad weather of animals.