The rule to remember to prevent fire when plugging in the phone

Don't let any unfortunate accident happen to regret it later when you don't pay attention to charging such a small phone.

So how to ensure I am not in the most risky situation, to avoid the occurrence of the same accident with anyone? Please pay close attention to the following principles to correct the problem:

1. Check the quality of charging cord appearance

Picture 1 of The rule to remember to prevent fire when plugging in the phone
Watch out on the wire, the charger has a problem of cracking, chipping, scratching .

Don't wait for "water to come to dance" , because it is too late to wait until the time comes. Each time before or after charging is complete, notice whether there is a problem of cracking, chipping, or splitting the wire, especially in the kinks, the joint reveals the metal core. conductive.

If you notice any of the above signs, immediately replace the accessory, or if there is no time for emergency, cover the tape with insulation tape, and remember to hurry to the store. Repair, replace now.

2. Do not dispose of messy, sloppy charger

Picture 2 of The rule to remember to prevent fire when plugging in the phone
Always store the charger in a safe place, do not know how to throw it every time you finish using it.

As mentioned, open cracks often appear in places that are kinked, bumped, stretched. Therefore, always keep the charger in a safe place, do not know how to throw your hand every time you finish using it, or put carelessly in a drawer, a bookcase. All of these actions can cause the cord, charging tubers to break, open or some other quality degradation.

3. Use original genuine charger

Picture 3 of The rule to remember to prevent fire when plugging in the phone
Errors in the transmission current parameters may also cause fire and explosion.

Many people now use used smartphones, especially second-hand smartphones, often ignore the requirement to include original charger, but if not, they will go to buy a speaker with a type of charger with plug port suitable for smartphone pins are enough. This is a very dangerous thought for many reasons.

Not to mention the processing quality, even the deviation of the transmission current parameters is different from the default specifications of the smartphone battery, which can cause fire, battery explosion, charging, even It is only the sudden discharge of electricity.

4. Pay attention to other metal accessories or surroundings

Picture 4 of The rule to remember to prevent fire when plugging in the phone
Always practice yourself carefully in everything.

Although it is only a limited probability in the world today, it is not that it will never happen to you, like the new April 2017, a man named Wiley Day in Alabama has been electrified. scalded, paralyzed in the arms and neck after accidentally letting . his necklace entangled in the plug of the charging bulb when plugged in.

Or as Madison Coe, a 14-year-old boy in Lovington, New Mexico died of carelessness, brought his smartphone to use and plugged the charger right next to the bathtub. Perhaps while he was struggling, he let it fall into the sink, open the electricity and immediately got jerky, which led to being unable to survive.

That's it, always train yourself to be careful in all things even though these are things that seem to be small everyday like charging your phone.