Misuse of sleeping pills increases the risk of death

Among the most common ways to cure insomnia, people come to sleeping pills. The latest research has shown that these drugs increase the risk of death by 4.6 times and increase the risk of cancer compared with those who do not use it.

According to statistics conducted in the US, from 2006 to 2010, the number of sleeping pills consumed increased to 23%. Sleeping pills have become one of the eight most used drugs in thousands of drugs produced. It is a negative phenomenon that deserves attention.

Picture 1 of Misuse of sleeping pills increases the risk of death
Although taking less, sleeping pills still increase the risk of death nearly 4 times.

Studies show that sleeping pills increase the risk of death and cancer, especially in Zolpidem and Temazepam. These are more effective but also more dangerous than the older generation sleeping pills, because they have a longer duration of action.

The study was conducted on two groups of volunteers (one of them was a control) of the same age, gender, and health status. The results showed that sleeping pills have toxic effects even when used very rarely.

Although only 1 to 18 tablets per year, the risk of death has increased by 3.6 times. Monitoring patients at age 18 and older is even higher in older people. The number of people suffering from cancer increased by 35% in patients taking 132 doses of sleeping pills for 1 year, the newspaper reported.

Researchers recommend that doctors need to consider new research results and apply treatments to avoid medication.

For example, when insomnia is caused by depression, it is necessary to find out the cause of psychological disorder to treat rather than taking drugs because of the negative effects of the drug on other aspects of health.