Mobile phones do not increase the risk of cancer

A study in Denmark tracking 350,000 mobile phone users over a period of 18 years showed no relationship between mobile phone use and increased risk of cancer.

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The new study - organized by the Danish Cancer Society and published in the British medical journal 'British Medical Journal' - is actually an update to a previous study to add data. Follow up in the last 5 years. The study found no increased risk of tumors or other types of cancer that are thought to be associated with cell phone use, even for those who have used cell phones for more than 10 years.

Picture 1 of Mobile phones do not increase the risk of cancer

However, the research method has a clear weakness - it considers only the number of applications for mobile phones without considering the actual use of the phone.

Devra Davis, cancer epidemiologist and chairman of Environmental Health Trust, an organization that has been actively lobbying warning labels on mobile phones, outlined other shortcomings of the study.

In a multi-page review, Davis explained: 'To study a relatively rare disease such as a brain tumor to find out if there are any changes in risk, millions of people must be monitored in a few dozen. year.' She added that the study ignores the most phone users - that more than 300,000 merchants in the 1990s are known to have used phones four times more than those tracked in this study.

The authors of the study acknowledge that their survey results cannot be considered absolute and do not exclude the case of a small to moderate increase in risk for phone users. good after a longer period of 10 to 15 years.

The Danish study was published only a few months after the World Health Organization (WHO) study determined that cell phones could cause cancer. Research by the International Project INTERPHONE, published last year, also found no link between mobile phone use and cancer, but the study was widely criticized for receiving part of the funding from the industry. wireless industry.