Moment: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Impetigo is a common dermatological disease when the weather is cold. The disease is highly contagious and is common among children and infants. Without definitive treatment, the disease is completely likely to relapse and spread.

Impetigo is a condition where one or both sides of the mouth are peeling, inflamed and sore. The condition can last for days or even weeks, impetigo can occur at any age. In addition, this is a common disease common in the cold season, people who do not pay attention to their health are susceptible.

The cause of impetigo

  1. Because the herpes virus appears everywhere, especially when your body is weakened by flu, illness, .
  2. The body is deficient in nutrients and vitamins in the cold season, especially the B vitamins.
  3. Because the body lacks water when the amount of water replenished daily is small
  4. When the lips and mouth are dry, you often lick in to reduce dryness. However, this action inadvertently causes bacteria to grow stronger.

Signs of impetigo

  1. Blisters appear on the skin of the mouth, nose or face area.
  2. The edge of the mouth is swollen red, even bleeding.
  3. Scales on the skin of the mouth area make the lips dry and cracked
  4. Burning sensation in the lips, mouth, causing difficulty feeling in eating
  5. If not cured, the disease develops into ecthyma form.
  6. The ecthyma form appears large blisters that contain a lot of fluid, causing burning pain, which when broken forms ulcers.

Photos impetuous disease

Picture 1 of Moment: Causes, symptoms and treatment
The early stage of illness.

Picture 2 of Moment: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Stage disease becomes ecthyma form.

Ways to treat impetigo

1. How to treat impetigo at home according to folklore

In the case of a mild disease, the ulcer has not spread and causes excessive burning pain, you can completely treat it at home in the following ways:

  1. Curing aloe vera gel: Aloe vera gel has a bactericidal effect and prevents sores from getting worse. Patients only need to apply aloe vera gel directly to the affected area.
  2. Relieve impetigo with bananas and honey: Honey has the ability to prevent bacterial growth. You can eat a mixture of bananas and honey or apply it on an ulcer to minimize the condition.
  3. Relieve impetigo with coconut oil or olive oil : Thanks to the ability to quickly disinfect, relieve pain and heal wounds help these 2 oils are trusted by patients. Applying oil 2-3 times a day to the affected area will give satisfactory results.
  4. Relieve impetigo with cucumber : Cucumber has cool and antiseptic properties, can completely be used to cover the affected area.
  5. Relieve impetigo with diluted saline: The basic way to disinfect wounds and sores is very effective. Simply wash the affected area with salt water daily.

2. Using medicines to treat diseases

  1. What drug applied moment ? You can use topical medicines containing antibiotics such as Mupirocin or Bactroban, Acyclovir to treat. These drugs are all prescribed by your doctor so you can be assured.
  2. Oral medications : Your doctor will prescribe an oral medication that is not effective for topical application. You should see a specialist hospital for advice on the best treatment for impetigo.

How to prevent impetigo effectively

  1. Avoid hot, spicy foods, as this can cause skin irritation.
  2. Do not share towels, personal items with other people.
  3. Provide adequate nutrients for the body, especially B vitamins.
  4. Replenish the amount of water for the body every day.
  5. Use moisturizer on your face during the cold season to minimize dryness and flaking.
  6. If the condition worsens, contact your doctor for prompt treatment.

Look at the edge and see this, it's a sign that your body is "on alert".