More than 200,000 stars appeared in NASA photos

NASA's new planetary satellite hunting satellite sent to the first photo with the center is part of the constellation Sagittarius.

sent to the first photo when going over 8,000km from the Moon, Space reported on 18/5. TESS was launched into space in April with the mission to search for alien planets orbiting stars near the Sun.

Picture 1 of More than 200,000 stars appeared in NASA photos
Photograph taken by the Exoplanet Satellite Survey (TESS).(Photo: NASA / MIT / TESS).

The journey through the Moon will help TESS reach his last scientific orbit with elliptical form around the Earth, unlike the previous spacecraft."This elliptical orbit maximizes the space that TESS can capture, allowing it to continuously monitor large areas of the sky," NASA said. TESS will burn the engine for the last time on May 30 to fly to orbit.

TESS is equipped with 4 cameras. One of them took the first picture with more than 200,000 stars, focusing on the constellation Sagittarius. The edge of the Coalsack Nebula is located in the upper right corner. Meanwhile, the bright star Beta Centauri appears at the bottom left.

Experts expect TESS to cover a space 400 times larger than the photo in the first two-year search for extraterrestrial planets. This satellite will take a photo in June.

TESS finds extrasolar planets by changing light as they move through the host star surface, similar to the Kepler space telescope method. The satellite will focus on stars near the Sun, helping new planetary scientists to discover more closely with other devices, such as James Webb's space telescope, worth $ 8.8 billion. NASA, scheduled to launch into space in 2020.