Mothers have little vitamin intake, they are more prone to autism

A study by US UC Davis doctors showed that women who rarely take vitamin supplements before and during pregnancy are more than twice as likely to have autism than others. .

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The results of this study specifically emphasize that mothers who do not take vitamins will be 2-7 times more likely to have a child with autism than women who focus on taking vitamins before and during pregnancy. .

Picture 1 of Mothers have little vitamin intake, they are more prone to autism
Before and during pregnancy, mothers should increase the intake of vitamin supplements

Members of the study, Associate Professor Rebecca J. Schmidt, of the US Department of Public Health, School of Medicine, said: ' A month before pregnancy and the first three months of pregnancy, if not supplemented with vitamins, babies born tend to develop more slowly '.

This finding is seen as a powerful step forward and a warning for all women to focus on protecting health care to reduce the rate of children with autism increasing.

Researchers point out that folic acid or vitamin B9 and other B vitamins are vitamins that should be supplemented before birth, which prevents the lack of fetal brain development and protects the baby's brain later. In it, folic acid is considered an important supplement to develop nerves and prevents up to 70% of possible defects with the neural tube.

According to doctors, the results of this study are very positive, because vitamin supplementation in women is easy to replicate, not too expensive, can be applied during pregnancy, or right from the beginning. Kiss, even start planning a pregnancy.

It is known that all research results will be published in the journal Epidemiology in July.