Mushroom saves the world environment

Mushrooms can be used as food, to help produce bread and beer. But, little is known that it can also be used to make safe pesticides, tissue culture in medicine and a green fuel source. Some biologists studying mushrooms and other spore organisms believe that in the future fungi can save the world environment.

>>>The fungus has a strange shape

Most of the energy of the fungus lies in a bundle of fibers that secrete enzymes that break down the rock, secrete chemicals that protect their habitat and push nutrients into the soil. According to the article by scientist Richard Webb in New Scientist magazine, it is possible to find out how to manufacture new drugs or environmentally friendly fuel sources.

Picture 1 of Mushroom saves the world environment

Daily Mail reported that microbiologist Gary Strobel of the University of Montana, Bozeman, has successfully developed a biofuel from a woody fungus named Ascocoryne sarcoides , containing volatile compounds that can Compare with diesel fuel. Dr. Strobel also used the fuel from this mushroom to test for the motorcycle he is using. Different from biofuel sources from fermented plants, sources of mushrooms can be obtained through agricultural waste. Dr. Strobel is aiming to commercialize his products.

In addition, CEO of Ecovative Eben Bower believes that his firm can produce tire bodies from hyphae because they can develop into a flexible polymer like plastic but easily biodegradable. . Also using hyphae to make different materials, Bower's company began offering Dell EcoCradle packaging to Dell as a replacement for polystyrene, which is not very environmentally friendly.

According to the Daily Mail, scientists are continuing to study a variety of fungi to use with other materials such as rice husk, straw, cotton seeds . to produce many new materials including foam plastic. fire resistant.