Mysterious aboriginal figure in Australia

Up to now, there has been no satisfactory explanation about the origin of the giant Aboriginal picture of 4.2 km high on the ground.

The mystery has no solution to the huge Aboriginal image in Australia

Unlike the geoglyphs found on Earth formed in ancient civilizations, this inscription appeared only 17 years ago and is one of Australia 's greatest mysteries .

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Figure of Aboriginal Marree taken on June 28, 1998, two days after pilot Trevor Wright discovered it.(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

On June 26, 1998, pilot Trevor Wright flew across the region between the town of Coober Pedy and Marree (southern Australia), accidentally spotting a giant drawing spread out below. The figure depicts an aboriginal hunter, his left hand holding a throwing stick, while his right hand lies across his chest, called the Aboriginal Marree (Marree Man).

Located on arid land, about 60 km from the small town of Marree with a population of only 60 km to the west, the figure is 4.2 km in height and 15-28 km in circumference. At the time of discovery, Marree Aboriginal people were made up of carved grooves with a depth of 30 cm, up to 35 m wide.

Investigators said that the drawings could be made up of bulldozers and it took several weeks to finish ironing. However, no witnesses saw or heard anything before. The area where the drawing is located also has only a single path leading in and out, but the ground here has no footprints or track marks found. The complete police investigation at that time ended without giving an answer.


Shortly after the Aboriginal Marree figure was discovered, an anonymous source sent to the media the strange information, and this information revealed that the author of the drawing may be a foreigner. Letters sent referring to the measurement system in miles, yards, inches instead of the metric system commonly used in Australia. There are also phrases like " Queensland Barrier Reef" or "local Indigenous Terrotories" (local indigenous territories) that are not commonly used by Australians.

In addition to this mystery, a number of other strange specimens were found at a small earth pit in the field, including a satellite image, a small box containing an American flag and a reminder note. to Branch Davidians, a religious group near Waco, Texas, USA. This sect was besieged in 1993, leading to the death of patriarch David Koresh and 82 other disciples.

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The deserted road leads to the town of Marree, a place close to where the Marree Aboriginal figure was discovered.(Photo: Don Shearman / Flickr)

In January 1999, authorities discovered a small stele buried near the nose of Aboriginal Marree. This is an American flag with the Olympic circle symbol, below is a quote from HHFinlayson's " The Red Center ", which states " To commemorate the land they once knew. The knowledge that you followed chasing is extraordinary; the constant source of wonder and admiration. "

This quote is taken from a page describing the kangaroo hunting scene with throwing sticks and photos of a hunter who looks like a Marree Aboriginal drawing.

Investigators have tried to pair these disjointed and confusing clues together but cannot reach any conclusion. It is said that the tangled puzzle pieces are only intended to blind people, deflecting attention from the real author of the drawing.

Hypothesis about Marree Man

Rumors quickly spread to the small town of Marree since the giant figure appeared. Many skeptics are a great tactic of a local pilot to profit from aerial view. Indeed, the charter aircraft in the region had to work overtime to satisfy the need to admire the huge Aboriginal population from the aircraft of a large number of curious visitors.

Another assumption is that the drawing may be the work of aliens visiting the Earth, or a warning directed to Pauline Hanson politician for racist comments he spoke about Aboriginal people. Australia.

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Drawings depicting the contours that make up the Aboriginal Marree figure by Lisa Thurston in 2005. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Among the many possibilities mentioned when there is a hypothesis is considered the most reasonable. This hypothesis states that the drawing was repeatedly shown by Bardius Goldberg , an Australian artist, wishing to have a work that can be seen from space, created. When asked about this, Goldberg did not assert nor deny whether he was the creator of the Marree Aboriginal drawing. Goldberg died before this hypothesis was fully verified.

The Marree Aboriginal giant image quickly became a symbol of the small town of southern Australia and a tourist attraction. However, up to now the figure is no longer clear. Although located in the land of native aborigines, not open to direct visitors, the figure gradually faded due to the natural erosion. It was only a matter of time before the giant Marree disappeared forever, burying it with unexplained mysteries about its birth.