The oldest rock art in Australia

Archaeologists have just announced an aboriginal rock art created 28,000 years ago in a remote cave in Northern Australia.

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These art photos were discovered on the cliffs of the cave Nawarla Gabarnmang - Aboriginal shelter.

Picture 1 of The oldest rock art in Australia
The oldest rock art in Australia,
was discovered at Nawarla Gabarnmang cave.

According to the Guardian (UK), archaeologists say this is Australia's oldest rock art work, and one of the oldest rock art works in the world.

Archaeologist Bryce Barker, who works at the University of Southern Queensland (Australia) and colleagues, said he found the rock art in June 2011, then they collected the stone samples and sent them to the lab. Tested at Waikato University, New Zealand to date them.

Mr. Barker said that because Aboriginal people use coal to carve stone art, using radioactive carbon methods will easily determine the date of this rock.

The world's oldest rock art - known in Spain, particularly in the El Castillo cave in the north of this country - dates back at least 40,800 years.

In addition, Chauvet cave art work in France dates back to about 30,000 years, citing information on, Australia's online science magazine.