Mysterious objects fly close to the earth

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) announces an object will approach the Earth today, but does not collide with our planet.

AP said astronomers have not identified what the object is. They thought it could be cosmic garbage or small meteorite. According to NASA, the object will be nearly 130,000 kilometers from Earth. It has a width of 10 to 15 m. At that size, the object will not cause any impact if it hits the globe. People in the western United States can observe objects with amateur telescopes because it is quite bright.

Objects in the universe moving close to the earth are the subject of international scientific attention. According to data from the American Asteroids Center, a 7-meter meteorite moves 6,500 km from the Earth in March 2004. At the beginning of March 2009, a large meteorite of a 10-storey building flew about 72,000 km from the green planet.

Picture 1 of Mysterious objects fly close to the earth
Image illustrates a meteorite flying near the earth. Photo: Telegraph .

The scientific world was stunned to learn that a meteorite flew by the earth (14,000 km) on November 7, 2009, but they only found it before 15 o'clock. However, the meteorite diameter is only about 7 m - not large enough to cause disaster if it plunges into the globe.

In 1908, an asteroid the size of a 10-storey building exploded in Russia's Siberia sky. With the destructive power of 1,000 atomic bombs that the US threw in Hiroshima (Japan) in 1945, it fell 80 million trees in an area of ​​2,000 square kilometers near the Tunguska River.