NASA accidentally 'revealed' the video of 3 mysterious objects leaving Earth

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) recently unknowingly revealed a video showing three unidentified flying objects (UFOs) leaving Earth and flying into space.

Video of 3 mysterious objects leaving NASA's Earth

When NASA was transmitting images directly from surveillance cameras placed on ISS ( International Space Station) to Earth, three strange objects like UFOs slowly appeared and then gradually disappeared from the atmosphere.

The glowing strange object was discovered to leave Earth a few seconds before NASA cut the transmission directly for signal loss. Meanwhile, the third object still has not disappeared completely.

Picture 1 of NASA accidentally 'revealed' the video of 3 mysterious objects leaving Earth
NASA has also been 'disguised' to disguise the allegedly unidentified flying object near ISS International Space Station.

Videos are posted on youtube and immediately received mixed opinions. Some people claim that it is only a light effect while others insist that this is exactly UFO and proof of alien existence .

This is not the first time conspiracy theorists believe that NASA has unknowingly turned alien activities. Earlier this year, UFO hunter Toby Lundh announced he had seen UFOs outside the space station based on images recorded by NASA.

Toby said that there are UFOs that often appear and ' NASA always cuts the feed when a UFO is close to the space station'.