Mysterious places on Google Maps

Many locations are intentionally hidden by Google on the world's largest map page.

Picture 1 of Mysterious places on Google Maps
Suburb of Ede, Netherlands : Looking west of the outskirts of central Ede city, Google Maps users discover an area on the blurred map.Although marked as "Fantasy4Kids" - a children's entertainment center, many people are skeptical, assuming that this is the location of a secret command and control headquarters.

Picture 2 of Mysterious places on Google Maps
Mururoa Island, French Polynesia : Moruroa, Tuamotu Islands in French Polynesia is a atoll in the southern Pacific Ocean.Two-thirds of the island is suspiciously obscured, making some people curious about what is hidden.A runway or a pier?The reason is because in history from 1966 to 1996, France conducted more than 170 nuclear weapons tests near the Mururoa island area.

Picture 3 of Mysterious places on Google Maps
Province of Girona, Spain : Located in the province of northeastern Spain, Girona borders the autonomous community of Catalunya, the provinces of Barcelona and Lleida, as well as France and the Mediterranean.A mysterious black mass appears in the northeastern region of the province.There are no prominent places around except for a few streets, as well as a hotel with a very nice name - Roses.Perhaps this is a resort that has been intervened by rich and famous people to avoid the curious eyes of outsiders.

Picture 4 of Mysterious places on Google Maps
Taipei, Taiwan : Appears on the map are Daan District, Taipei, Taiwan - where the Air Base is located.The entire area is darker, the shadow is different from the surrounding areas, making observers believe that the original image has been replaced by a fake image.

Picture 5 of Mysterious places on Google Maps
Warsaw, Poland : As the capital and largest city in Poland, Warszawa is located on the Vistula river, about 370 km from the Baltic Sea and Carpathy Mountains.Similar to the case of Taipei Air Force Base, an area in the middle of the city had a completely different color, completely lost.The reason for this is the office of the Army Asset Management Agency and the Polish Military Technical Supervision Office.

Picture 6 of Mysterious places on Google Maps
Munitiecomplex, Veenhuizen, Netherlands : Once again, the government of the windmill country has again hidden important areas on the map.This square-shaped piece of land that looks like a high-altitude stereoscopic oil painting is limited in access to the country's military ammunition storehouse.