Google helps you ... get married

Google Maps is one of the 'giants' most popular services in search, because it allows users to view maps and other images taken directly from satellites, with an interface Simple web.

This service is especially useful for those who want to view the entire world map, and as you know, it was used by terrorists to organize attacks on British soldiers in Basra. Due to the publication of too detailed images of certain locations, Google decided to replace those photos with older ones for the purpose of protecting specific areas.

Picture 1 of Google helps you ... get married The company has tried to update new features for this service periodically, but most initiatives are 'imported' from other developers who design tools to improve features. solution of the solution.

In the past, there was a role-playing game that allowed players to "fly" through certain locations and observe Google Maps directly from an airplane, today, it's a very new tool. Interestingly released, a tool that can help the most important moment in your life: wedding mapper. Wedding mapper is a service based on Google Maps but allows you to design your own wedding invitation card with detailed maps of party locations.

This service is described: ' Wedding Mapper is designed to help you organize your wedding easily, happily and economically, ensuring to give your guests enough information. We want to make designing and sharing your wedding map easier with an easy-to-use interface, including maps and lists, simple printing, and the ability to map to a website. your wedding . '

Tests and results have been proven for the usefulness and ease of use of this service. It helps you shape the solution through a simple wizard that allows you to write wedding information and details.

Nguyen Nam