Mysterious species of skulls

The dragon flower (Antirrhinum / snapdragon) lives mainly in Spain and Italy has long been mysterious because of the shape of human skulls and is believed to ward off witches and curses.

>>>The plants are funny and scary

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This flower, as its name suggests, is shaped like a dragon's head, but it is no different from a human's skull when dried up.

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It is believed that this flower is originally from the wild in the forests of Spain and Italy.

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The shape of flowers in the dark can also frighten many people.This flower is also associated with many other mystical legends.

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One of them is a rumor, if someone leaves these flowers indoors or carries them in them, it can create a strange attraction for others.

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Even some people believe, if you leave dragon-headed flowers in the bed, you can chase away the obsession of curses and witches.

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Not only that, people also believe that any woman who eats dragon flowers will have lasting beauty.

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However, contrary to the folk rumors, scientists believe that, in fact, dragon flower species are very dangerous because many of its parts are toxic.