Nanofarm - Automatic indoor tree planting system

Shape like a glass cabinet in the kitchen, just put a seed tray in it, press a few knobs to control and wait a few weeks later, you will harvest vegetables in your house: 20 days There will be soup broth, 1 month later there will be lettuce or kale to eat with beef, . That's what the indoor plantation system called Nanofarm can do.

Unlike other indoor plantation systems that still need interaction, monitoring user care to nourish fruits and vegetables, Nanofarm system does not require any action from users . The development team said: "This is the first planting device that you only need to set up once and then forget it all. No need to sprout, no watering, no fertilizer and no need to adjust Once you press the start button, it will do everything above and only notify you when the season is ready to harvest. "

Picture 1 of Nanofarm - Automatic indoor tree planting system
Nanofarm system does not require any operation from the user.

Although technically, users can grow their own seeds with Nanofarm equipment, but the company thinks that people will choose to buy the "seed pad pads" that the company sells. This is a thin piece of tissue paper that contains organic seeds and nutrients, and is then inserted into the machine and automatically draws water from the inside tray to grow. To start growing, the user just needs to put the pad in the machine, pour the water into the tray and press the button to select the planting mode corresponding to the plants and since then the machine will do everything else. When you eat, the machine will report and then the user will harvest.

Timelapse growing mustard in Nanofarm.

Nanofarm can grow a variety of vegetables , from both mustard, beet, lettuce and some coriander such as basil or musk, curry, . The company says these vegetables can be extremely It is useful for those who do not have time or space to plant trees and still want fresh ingredients. On the other hand, because there is no need to keep track of care, the design team affirms that it will be able to be used by many people without learning too much about fertilization techniques. In terms of energy use, the company said that 5 Nanofarm systems only consume electricity with a 60W light bulb.

Picture 2 of Nanofarm - Automatic indoor tree planting system
Growth of roots in Nanofarm.

Ruwan Subasinghe, co-founder of Replantablet, the startup, which developed Nanofarm's machine, said: "The idea of ​​developing Nanofarm was formed from my own frustration when I had to throw away broken food every week before "I eat them. I always put half a salad bag in the refrigerator but then throw it away. And when I see that, the problem is worse than I thought. More than half of the vegetables in the US have been thrown away."

Picture 3 of Nanofarm - Automatic indoor tree planting system
Harvest vegetables right in the kitchen.

It is known that each Nanofarm system has a price of $ 350 and pieces of pad containing seeds are a bit more expensive than the equivalent amount of vegetables sold in the supermarket. For example, a mixed salad is equivalent to a salad box outside the store that costs $ 5. Users can buy multiple pieces of pad and stack them up to use them gradually if they want a stable amount of vegetables. Currently the project is being raised on Kickstarter site and has now raised more than half of the target amount of 50,000 dollars, and 35 days to finish.

Timelapse the growth vegetables in Nanofarm and add more pictures of this system: