NASA will bring people up to

Instead of planning to return to the Moon, the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) is setting a more ambitious goal: to send people to Mars. Reuters said this proposal is not official but is NASA's answer to the program to send people to space.

Former US President George Bush once asked NASA to bring astronauts back to the Moon in 2020. In May 2009, the administration of President Barack Obama set up a committee of cosmonauts to reevaluate NASA's space-lift program.

According to the recently released White House report (, NASA has launched five plans to implement this program. One of them, named Flexible Path, will take astronauts to a series of distant targets in the universe, starting as a mission to fly around the Moon, then fly to an asteroid, and finally to Mars. NASA is more inclined to this option than the mission back to the Moon.

Picture 1 of NASA will bring people up to

Images simulating astronauts operating on Mars (Photo:

NASA can complete this ambitious strategy in the mid or late 2020s. To reduce costs, NASA will not develop spacecraft and equipment to send astronauts to Mars. Instead, they will fly around the red planet and to a moon of it.

Although astronauts only ' knock on ' doors, astronauts can easily control robots and perform scientific experiments. " Humans or humans with robot support can do experiments on the surface of the planet far more efficiently than just robots, " said Cornell University scientist Steven Squyres.

But without more money, NASA will be buried in orbits close to Earth until the decade of 2030. According to reports, to implement the Flexible Path Program, NASA needs an additional $ 3 billion a year next to. Current budget of 18.7 billion USD. The White House and the US Congress will make the final decision on NASA's plan.