Nerve cells help form the salivary glands

After conducting research on mice, researchers found that nerve cells not only affect the secretion of salivary glands.

Picture 1 of Nerve cells help form the salivary glands
Neuron. (Internet photo)

In fact, neurons also play a key role in the formation of the first step and the development of the salivary glands.

Experimental results in mice show that the effect of nerve cells on the salivary gland is much greater than our imagination, even if it affects the embryonic development stage.

According to scientists, like other organs, the development of salivary glands is carried out through signaling between epidermal cells and peripheral cells to control the growth of new shoots.

The results of the study on rats detected the tooth buds of the salivary glands after a day of emergence, the nerve organs called neurons have surrounded it with a very thick density.

After further research, scientists discovered the signaling activity of these cells to protect the epithelial cell cluster, thereby helping to produce new salivary gland cells.

The results of this study are important to find a way to regenerate salivary glands for cancer patients.