New discovery after opening the cap of Jesus' tomb

Recently, when the marble cap at the tomb of Jesus was opened after 500 years of closure, the researchers discovered limestone terraces that were thought to have once placed the body of Jesus.

For decades, archaeologists and theologians have argued non-stop whether the Holy Sepulcher church in Jerusalem was the place where Christ was buried and resurrected after crucifixion.

This tomb was carefully sealed with marble from the 1500s to stop the thieves.

For many centuries, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher has been destroyed and rebuilt many times, but the experts are still unsure about whether the tomb has been moved or not, and if there is anything in the tomb inside. ?

Picture 1 of New discovery after opening the cap of Jesus' tomb
The Holy Sepulcher church in Jerusalem is said to be the place where Jesus was buried three days and then rose to life.

Recently, when the marble cap at the tomb of Jesus was opened after 500 years of closure, the researchers discovered limestone terraces that were thought to have once placed the body of Jesus.

In addition, scientists discovered a second marble slab, believed to be carved in the 12th century.

Archaeologist Fredrik Hiebert said: "The best thing for us was the moment we removed the dirt and found a second marble slab in the tomb of Jesus . This stone is gray, not white cream like the outside, and in the middle there is a crucifix engraved ".

Although the Church of the Tomb has been destroyed many times by fire, earthquake, war . but the discovery of that particular marble slab is a clear proof that this is the grave that Hoang Roman Constantine found in the 4th century.

According to the Bible, Jesus is said to have died on a cross and was buried for three days before rising.

Although there are no artifacts or bones in the grave, there are still rubble and not empty.

This tomb attracts thousands of pilgrims every day, so the team only has less than 3 days to clean and explore the tomb. The amount of data collected is very large, it is estimated that it will take several months for researchers to analyze the information obtained.