New hope for A / H1N1 flu vaccine

The research team of Veterinary Medicine Professor Seo Sang Heui, Chongnam University of Korea yesterday announced the successful study of A / H1N1 flu vaccine.

Vaccine is based on samples provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Mr. Seo Sang Heui said: 'Through 11 days of research, we have released a non-toxic vaccine that is not harmful to humans and can control influenza A / H1N1' . Mr. Seo Sang Heui added, the team is sending 8 vials of vaccine to CDC for testing.

The team is committed to providing this vaccine production technology unconditionally to local agencies, WHO, CDC or any research center, any pharmaceutical company in the world, if required.

Picture 1 of New hope for A / H1N1 flu vaccine

The Korean team announced the successful study of the vaccine against H1N1 flu.

CDC spokesman Dave Daigle said earlier that the agency sent samples to 10 different medical facilities around the world. However, he confirmed, CDC has not yet received feedback from South Korea.

There is no assessment of the new vaccine in Korea. An official said the new vaccine would have to undergo human trials, if safe, to be mass-produced in September this year.

The most common drug for treating patients with influenza A / H1N1 is Tamiflu. However, it only works best within 48 hours since the patient begins to become infected, helping to prevent the virus from multiplying and not destroying the virus.

Currently most companies producing flu vaccines can only do one type: seasonal flu vaccine or disease vaccine. Production takes months and cannot be stopped in the middle

The vaccine manufacturer can ship both the seasonal flu vaccine and the flu vaccine, but it cannot simultaneously produce a large number of both vaccines because of over-capacity.

Meanwhile, medical experts do not know the level of danger of influenza A / H1N1 and do not know how much more flu season or H1N1 flu vaccine they need. And if the virus changes, scientists don't know if the current vaccine will work with the new virus.