Clothes against H1N1 flu

A company in Japan has launched a jacket with an introduction that could kill the H1N1 virus, preventing them from penetrating the body of the wearer.

Haruyama Trading, the company's name, has produced 50,000 suits. Junko Hirohata, a spokesman for the company, said that they would start selling them on Oct. 8.

Telegraph said the vests were covered with titanium dioxide - chemical compounds that respond to light and kill the virus on contact. Titan dioxide is a fairly common ingredient in toothpastes and cosmetics.

Picture 1 of Clothes against H1N1 flu

Haruyama Trading's jacket is covered with titanium dioxide outside. H1N1 virus will die when exposed to this chemical. (Photo: Globo)

Viruses have four types and types: gray, black, blue and gray stripes. They sell for about $ 510 each.

Haruyama Trading has announced that the company will study the anti-influenza vests for one year. It maintains all the features after many washings.

At least 23,000 Japanese have been infected with H1N1 flu since the virus spread globally from a year ago. The World Health Organization has confirmed that more than 340,000 people have been infected with the H1N1 flu, of which around 4,100 have died. The latest victim of the H1N1 virus in Japan is a 7-year-old boy. I died on September 22, bringing the total number of deaths from flu in the country to 18.