New research helps identify people 'self-love'

Researchers have shown some signs of being aware of a "crazy" person.

We all know that those who are too groomed, always self-righteous, and loveliest are a typical example of their "self-love" too much. Recently, US researchers have shown signs that you are the "love yourself" through some basic manifestations.

The co-author of the study, Brad Bushman, professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State University, said: "Self-love people are not ashamed or embarrassed to reveal this to anyone."

Picture 1 of New research helps identify people 'self-love'

Not only that, these people always follow the "I am first" theory. That means, in any case, they always assert their position and ego, so always want to be in a leadership position to be able to "teach" others.

But researchers also point out that self-confidence is a great advantage when it comes to attracting partners and gaining the trust of those around them . Therefore, a person who "loves himself" can absolutely become a good leader.

Professor Brad Bushman shared: "Westerners appreciate self-confidence and show themselves more than people in the East. People born in the early 1980s and 2000s are more likely to turn themselves into a more focussed However, along with that, the people who love themselves often have less sympathy and sharing with the people around. "

Picture 2 of New research helps identify people 'self-love'

To prove the fact that self-love people often don't feel ashamed, experts conducted a survey of 40 questions. Accordingly, the respondents selected one of two answers: "I like to be in tune with the crowd" (non-complacent reaction) and "I like being the center of attention" (self-love reaction) .

Thereby, the experts found that those who have self-expression are always upholding themselves , "self-praising" (meaning self-respect and pride) and tend to deceive those around them without feeling embarrassed or shy.

Picture 3 of New research helps identify people 'self-love'

W. Keith Campbell, a professor of psychology at Georgia State University, said: " People who have self-love often have a very obvious appearance : grooming, rhythm; Because of perfection and a tendency to idolize themselves, not only that, "beloved followers" always want to put themselves at a higher level than others, dissatisfied with whatever others do . ".

Experts say that "self-love" is quite dangerous because the person's manifestations are thought to be a sign to diagnose a personality disorder - a mental condition. And of course, pride will negatively affect the lives of people around.

The study is published in PLoS ONE Magazine.