New research revives the potential for warp engines, helping to travel into space faster than the speed of light

The scientific community has taken a new step forward in realizing a warp engine , a device that can help people travel through space at speeds faster than the speed of light.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, an object cannot fly faster than the speed of photons in space, so faster-than-light technologies often seen in movies are still just fiction. However, new research brings us one step closer to realizing what is still impossible.

Picture 1 of New research revives the potential for warp engines, helping to travel into space faster than the speed of light
The faster-than-light technology often seen in movies is still just a fantasy. 

Led by Professor Jared Fuchs working in applied science, new research published in the journal Fundamental and Quantum Gravity offers a new solution in warp engine development.

Traditional warp engine concept

In science fiction, warp engines can bend the space-time floor, helping spaceships move by compressing the area of ​​space-time in front of the ship, while stretching the area behind the ship. Basically, the ship carrying the warp engine does not move, but the space around it before and after it will contract and expand to let the ship 'fly' in space.

Picture 2 of New research revives the potential for warp engines, helping to travel into space faster than the speed of light
Warp engine: How ships travel in the sci-fi movie Star Trek - (Photo: Trekky0623).

In theory, the ship will move faster than the speed of light without violating Einstein's theory of relativity. However, scientists believe that to be able to bend space-time, or in other words to be able to create and use gravity, we will need a special form of matter with 'secretive properties'. negative energy level'.

The concept of 'negative energy density' is strange

Every day, we only experience positive energy. Even in a vacuum environment (an environment containing no matter) there still exists a very small amount of positive energy, which is called ' vacuum energy ' or ' zero point energy '.

The above conclusion is based on the principle of quantum fluctuations (also known as vacuum state fluctuations/vacuum fluctuations) in quantum physics. The principle indicates transient changes in the amount of energy of any point in space, and it is described by the uncertainty principle proposed by modern physicist Werner Heisenberg.

Picture 3 of New research revives the potential for warp engines, helping to travel into space faster than the speed of light
3D model depicting the phenomenon of quantum fluctuations - (Photo: Derek Leinweber).

That means even a vacuum environment can have energy fluctuations. The existence of 'negative energy density' is just a guess, and is still not compatible with the physical model we currently have. The laws of thermodynamics as well as the conditions for energy to exist in the context of applying general relativity do not yet allow a large 'negative energy density' to form.

Some theories predict the existence of a small negative energy density that appears under specific conditions. However, its effects are still small, only on a microscopic scale, and cannot bend space-time.

A new direction for warp engine technology

Research published not long ago has opened up a new possibility for warp engines. Applied science researchers propose a device called ' constant-velocity subluminal warp drive ', roughly translated as ' practical warp engine with constant speed ' , with properties consistent with the theory of relativity .

The new engine model does not require scientifically unexplained energy, instead using a combination of old and new techniques that utilize gravity to create a 'warp bubble' that envelops the spacecraft. , can help ships fly at high speeds and obey the laws of physics.

' New research changes the direction of discussion around warp engines ,' said Professor Fuchs, editor of the scientific report. ' We show that a warp engine may no longer be associated with science fiction '.

Picture 4 of New research revives the potential for warp engines, helping to travel into space faster than the speed of light
Illustration of a warp engine.

As mentioned above, the new engine model takes advantage of a number of old and new techniques, proven possible thanks to the Warp Factory physics model created by Professor Fuchs's team. This is the first time a research team has proposed a warp engine that could operate in this way.

' Although our technology still requires a significant amount of energy to operate, it shows that the warp effect is possible without the need for a novel form of energy ,' said Professor Christopher Helmerich, co-author of the study. help, say. ' These findings open up new futures, minimizing the requirements needed to design warp engines '.

And unlike current thruster technology, the team's warp engine does not exert G-forces on the astronaut . According to the research team, this type of warp engine can be made using common materials. They are currently listing the challenges ahead, and working with other parties to produce a test device.

If one day we really have a working warp engine in our hands, a new era of space travel will open, at which time humans will be able to proudly say that ' we represent a species'. interstellar '.