New technology predicts bad weather

A new system will monitor the amount of water evaporated to make predictions of heavy rains, or hurricanes just before it appears.

The new system uses Doppler weather radar. Normally, the Doppler radar detects rain particles and hail, but does not record the moisture that leads to the condensation.

Picture 1 of New technology predicts bad weather The new system can better predict strong storms like this one in Boulder, Colorado. (Photo: LiveScience)

The new system will detect strong humidity changes - a factor that can lead to violent storms - by measuring changes in radar signaling speed caused by signal refraction. Moisture.

The project is being piloted at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, from now until August 11 in Denver. If this technique succeeds, scientists say it will soon be applied in the next few years.

"We believe that this could help forecasters point to areas where heavy rains may occur , " said project leader Rita Roberts.

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