People are about to be able to

People are getting closer to the ability to "chant, dance", after Swiss scientists have found a way to control the cloudy sky.

Scientists are expected to meet next month to discuss the possibility of firing pulses of light into the sky to control the weather.

With a series of laboratory experiments, Swiss researchers have succeeded in using laser technology to promote cloud formation. Theoretically, this new technology could be used to activate rain further out at sea or on uninhabited lands and "isolate" rain from a major event when needed.

Picture 1 of People are about to be able to
Swiss researchers have succeeded in using laser technology to promote cloud formation.(Artwork: Word Press)

The technique has also been used to control lightning, with the long-term goal of diverting them from areas with close houses.

Recently, people have constantly tried to control the weather. The most famous case occurred during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, when scientists seemed to have shot chemicals into the sky to dispel the cloud of the opening ceremony.

The United States is a pioneer in technology called " rattan seeding" in the 1940s. This technology involves stimulating rain by firing silver iodide or dry ice into a cloud, regenerating natural salt, dust and Other small particles in the atmosphere, help form water droplets.

Tests with cloud "seeding" technology have mixed results. However, at a meeting of the World Meteorological Organization called "Laser, Weather and Climate" , a research team from the University of Geneva (Switzerland) will report on the tests, in which they used lasers to cause condensation or ice to form - the essential process of promoting rain.

In the research report published in the journal P roceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , the authors write, the results of the experiments "open up the prospect of using lasers to transform natural cirrus clouds or multiply seeds. creating cirrus clouds (thin cloud forms formed when water vapor freezes into ice crystals at elevations above 8.000m - PV) ".