New tool to detect aliens

The world's largest telescope SKA promises to bring new insights into the formation of the universe, even discovering alien life.

>>> Australia would like to install a SKA radio telescope

The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) is an international program to build the world's largest radio telescope, to detect, detect dark objects, black holes, stars and galaxies. It is expected to start construction in 2016.

"The SKA will have a profound impact on how we understand the universe, as well as history and the future," said Michiel van Haarlem, interim director of the SKA project.

Named after the total area of the data collection area, the SKA telescope contains 3,000 antenna pans (15m wide), the total surface area of all antenna panes up to 1 km 2 , possibly Detect radio waves from stars, galaxies and quasars into the atmosphere of the earth. In addition, the telescope has two other types of radio receivers, including tube antennas and column antennas, which combine pan-antennas to provide radio frequencies from 70 MHz to 10 GHz.

Picture 1 of New tool to detect aliens
Computer model of Super SKA telescope.

About half of the antennas will be located in the central area, made up of three five-kilometer complexes. The remainder extends into five "spiral arms" , stretching across an area never before larger, covering an area of over 3,000 km or more. According to scientists, this structure will create the most radio-sensitive radio waves ever. Operation of this telescope system requires supercomputers capable of handling billions of calculations per second.

The project is at an important stage, with the choice of construction site. The northern tip of South Africa and a spot in Australia are under consideration.

Where the world's largest telescope is located, SKA will also be an international project, and currently there are 20 countries and 70 organizations involved with many private donors. The estimated $ 2 trillion project is expected to be completed and fully operational by 2024.

Currently, the largest telescope in the world is the VLA in New Mexico (USA).