Norway became the first country to

FM stations in some parts of Norway will start to shut down from next week. The complete "death" process of FM radio will be completed later this year.

According to CNN, the Nordic country is switching from FM radio to digital radio called DAB because the digital option offers more channels, better sound quality and savings for radio stations.

"The main reason Norway became the first was because of Norway's geographical and social context, which has many deep fjords, high mountains and scattered communities. FM radio is particularly expensive in Norway compared to other countries, " the European government said.

Picture 1 of Norway became the first country to
Norway officially died FM radio.

Norway estimates that radio stations will save more than 200 million kroners, equivalent to $ 23.5 million a year by giving up FM. This helps them get more money to invest in radio content. No job is expected to disappear because broadcast stations will switch to broadcast using DAB.

Even so, the Norwegian government keeps some very small, local radio stations continuing to play on the FM frequency. The transition from analog to digital of the Northern European nation came after more than a decade of government planning.

Critics say the conversion may make 2 million cars out of reach for radio. This may be a factor affecting safety. Norwegian local radio association Norsk Lokalradioforbund also warned consumers would incur new radio charges. Dagbladet newspaper said that two-thirds of the people surveyed in the recent survey opposed the "death" of FM.

Many other countries, including Britain, are considering switching from FM to digital radio. The success of the innovation process in Norway will be closely monitored. Norway is a country with 5.2 million people. About 70% of households have DAB radios, according to the page.