Norway is officially the first country in the world to commit to deforestation

This is a great victory in the fight against global deforestation.

The Norwegian Parliament has pledged a policy of cutting down trees after the Parliamentary Members' Committee made suggestions on adjusting laws, which led to Norway becoming a country "not abetting the destruction of tropical rainforest ".

Picture 1 of Norway is officially the first country in the world to commit to deforestation
Norway has now become the first country to say no to deforestation.

Norway has also raised funds to support global forest conservation projects, with support for human rights protection programs in forest protection communities.

Nils Hermann Ranum, the policy leader and commander of the forest protection campaign at the Norwegian Tropical Rain Forest Organization, said: " This is a big step in the fight to protect the rainforest. For many years, many companies have stopped producing goods related to deforestation. "

Over the years, the Norwegian Tropical Rainforest Foundation has launched a campaign to persuade the government to approve a bill to completely reduce deforestation rates to zero.

Picture 2 of Norway is officially the first country in the world to commit to deforestation
This is a big step in the fight to protect tropical rainforests.

In 2014, Norway made a joint statement between Germany and the United Kingdom at the United Nations Conference on Climate in New York, pledging to support production products that are not dependent on destruction. the forest.

In a study last year, the production of beef, palm oil and timber of seven countries (including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea) from 2000 to 2011 accounted for 40%. total of cut down tropical forests and 44% of total carbon emissions into the environment.