Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move

You might think it's ridiculous before seeing them, but in reality, they're probably more bizarre than you might imagine.

On our planet once existed a creature instead of moving on all fours, they used their nose to support their bodies and move while they had completely legs.

Moreover, their noses are extremely flexible and can be used to fight, hunt and even flirt during mating . However, this mysterious creature exists only on one the island in the Pacific, but painfully the islands were sunk after the US nuclear test.

Picture 1 of Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move
This animal uses the nose to support the body and move while they are completely paw.

And of course the mystery of this animal will certainly create tireless studies by scientists in the world, only regret that today, the records of them in the world are almost disappeared, and only one book left to record the behavior of all animals moving by the nose , accompanied by hand-drawn images illustrating each species. The author of this book is Harald Staple, who is said to be the first to discover these mysterious creatures.

Staple is a Swedish explorer. In 1941, during the fierce World War II, he was captured by a Japanese camp in a concentration camp.

But fortunately, Staple found an opportunity to escape, and as a result he was shipwrecked while on the run and fled into the paradise of the nose-moving animals - Hiddudify in his pants. Hi-iay island in the South Pacific.

Picture 2 of Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move
Location of the Hi-iay Islands.

When he landed on the island, he was extremely surprised when he saw the strange behavior of the animals there, he did not expect that on Earth there were animals that could use their nose to move.

In addition, he also found a unique endemic plant, as well as primitive insects like cockroaches, six-pointed dragonflies and other species.

This wonderful colorful archipelago made Staple come from surprise to surprise.

After returning home, Staple told his neighbors about his wonderful experience on the island and created a fever in the scientific community at the time.

Therefore, scientists from around the world have come to the Hi-iay Islands, directly approached the animals there and conducted a series of studies.

Picture 3 of Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move
This is an extremely agile and active mammal.

When approaching the island, scientists discovered that the animals that use the nose to move here are mammals extremely agile and vivacious, their pregnancy time usually lasts from 7-12 months at the same time that their fertility is not as strong and often as other species in the rest of the world. But because the islands live with few natural enemies, the chances of survival are high.

For the Nosewalkers , the nose transcends the notion that morphological organs exist which, for them, the nose resembles a functional organ.

The nose of other animals is only respiratory and olfactory, while the nose of the Nosewalkers has replaced limbs and is used more. Therefore, zoologists specifically named it "Nosewalker" to distinguish it from the nose in the conventional concept.

Nosewalker's nasal cavity accounts for most of the body length. In addition to maintaining breathing through the nostrils, it also has tougher tasks such as moving, digging and hunting.

Picture 4 of Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move
Nosewalker's nasal cavity accounts for most of the body length.

To be able to move freely, the nasal cavity of these species is equipped with strong bones and joints that make their nose grow like the legs of other animals.

Nosewalker's nose organs are so strong that they can do almost anything, so most of their body structures are greatly reduced.

Their limbs lost motor function, Nosewalker's forelegs became appendages and supported the grip movements, and the hind legs of the joint were partially shrunk or disappeared completely. Even their degenerative digestive tract is transformed into a simple tube.

The lack of blood vessels, anus and spine of some of them has led to a controversy. Some have questioned that Nosewalker should not be considered as a vertebrate, they are more similar in structure to worms than other mammals.

In addition, the decline of other organs also promotes the development of nosewalker's nasal organs.

Picture 5 of Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move
Their limbs lose motor function.

When they arrived on the archipelago, scientists were even more surprised to discover that they had an extremely rich population of up to 14 families and 189 species. On 18 islands of this archipelago, many other animals were also discovered with very strange noses.

Their ancestors are likely to be some insect-eating animals, in the unique geographical context of this nasal animal has a very special feature is the structure of their nose is extremely special, some species only 1 in one, some species have 4 or more.

Their noses are multi-dimensional, bizarre shapes, with what looks like a pillar, something like a brass trumpet, something like a snail. Their noses have many uses, not only can they be used to crawl, jump, even can be used to catch worms, it has a lot of important effects but the main effect is to move the body. , supporting the body.

Picture 6 of Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move
Their noses have many strange shapes.

The largest Nosewalker found is called the Snouters , which is over 1.7 meters long. They have four very strong noses, all of which are used for movement.

In addition, they have a long, flexible tail that is followed by a glands that secrete venom. They often hang their tails up, and when their prey comes close, they will chase the ill-fated animals and begin to secrete venom.

Picture 7 of Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move
The largest Nosewalker species was found to have a length of 1.7m.

Another animal named Otoplex , they are the only flying Nosewalker of this species. They have very large ears and function almost similarly to the "wings".

They build two large ears vertically, then use the joints on the nose to jump upwards. When jumping to the top, they will naturally widen their ears and beat at a rate of 10 beats per second to maintain the air in a short time.

Picture 8 of Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move
Otoplex species have very large ears and function almost similarly to the "wings".

Unfortunately, only 16 years after Harald Staplep found these mysterious animals, they became extinct.

In 1957 in the South Pacific, the United States secretly conducted a nuclear test with a distance of about 120 km near the islands. Atomic bombs have directly submerged the entire Hi-iay Islands.

The Nosewalkers living on more than 1,000 square meters in the Hi-iay Islands also became extinct.

In the same year, Staple published a book that recorded everything about the 189 types of Nosewalker he knew. Strangely, after the Nosewalkers' extinction, research papers other than this book also disappeared for unknown reasons in turn.

Picture 9 of Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move

Picture 10 of Nosewalker - The most strange animal on Earth, despite having legs, uses its nose to move