Obama: 'Not fighting climate change is betraying posterity.'

In his inaugural address yesterday, US President Barack Obama said that the attitude of indifferent climate change is a betrayal of future generations.

Picture 1 of Obama: 'Not fighting climate change is betraying posterity.'
US President Barack Obama pointed at the crowd
in the inauguration of the second term on January 20. (Photo: AP)

Mr Obama said fighting climate change would be one of his priorities during his second term, the AP reported.

'Some people still deny the strong judgment of the scientific world, but no one can avoid the disastrous consequences of fire, drought and strong storms. The road to sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist that transition. We must be pioneers on that path , 'he said.

Then the White House boss praised environmentally friendly technologies, arguing that the United States must recognize the potential of those technologies.

US presidents rarely mention the environment when taking the inaugural speech. Former President Bill Clinton mentioned the necessity of a clean environment in his inaugural address in 1993 and 1997, but did not specifically address climate change. But Mr. Obama raised the issue of climate change in both inaugural speeches.

Yesterday Mr. Obama talked about climate change with a stronger and more specific allegation than in 2009.

'We, the American people, still believe that our obligations not only serve us, but also serve generations to come. We will respond to the threat of climate change because we understand that without doing so, we will betray our children and future generations , 'he argued.