Observe the species of the

Death is the nickname of the white poisonous mushroom (Amanita verna) distributed in northern Vietnam, with extremely dangerous amanitin toxicity.

Picture 1 of Observe the species of the
Amanita verna is also known in Europe as the "idiot mushroom", "the god of spring destruction" or "the god of death".This fungus has a close relationship with the death mushroom (Amanita phalloides) belonging to Amanita mushroom.

Picture 2 of Observe the species of the
Amanita verna often grows much in the spring.In Vietnam, white poisonous mushrooms are distributed in the northern provinces such as Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Thai Nguyen, Yen Bai, Bac Can and Phu Tho.Mushrooms grow in clusters in the forests of bamboo, bamboo, palm, vines and some places with sparse plants.

Picture 3 of Observe the species of the
The superficial feature of this mushroom is typical with a white mushroom cap, the surface of the hat is smooth, with a diameter of 5-10 cm when mature.Mushrooms, fungi stalks are all white, stalks are bulging and rooted in calyx.Soft, white and special mushroom meat has a nice aroma.Differentiating white poisonous mushrooms from white mushrooms is often difficult.

Picture 4 of Observe the species of the
White poisonous mushrooms contain high levels of amanitin poison (amatoxin) that will cause people to have nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea throughout the country many times, then liver failure, kidney failure, coma.Being untreated in a timely manner may result in death.

Picture 5 of Observe the species of the
More frightening is that the poison amatoxin contained in the dead mushroom cannot be eliminated by methods such as cooking, boiling or baking.Even cooling or drying poison is not dissipated from mushrooms.

Picture 6 of Observe the species of the
According to a study on Slate.com, when accidentally eating this fungus, 60% of the poison amatoxin of the fungus goes straight to the liver.Both poisoned and healthy liver cells push amatoxin into the bile, then concentrate in the gallbladder.When the poisoning person eats daily, the toxin will be released from the bile into the intestine, then re-absorbed back into the liver.That process is repeated in the poisoning cycle.

Picture 7 of Observe the species of the
The remaining 40% of the fungus amatoxin will be pushed to the kidneys.If a healthy kidney can push amatoxin out of the blood and deliver it to the bladder, it reduces the body's toxic load.