Obsessive super moon

In fact, the name super moon is proposed by astronomer Richard Nolle in 1979, and is still not officially used in the scientific community or astronomy, but the academy chose the name harder to remember than "perigee-syzygy".

>>>"Super moon" is about to appear

Perigee is the close-up point between the earth and the moon, and syzygy is only the phenomenon of earth, the moon, the sun is aligned, can take place for up to 12 hours during the super moon period, and no more than 1 hour when super moon bigger. Whatever the name, this is the moon phenomenon that comes close to the earth, and must happen at the full moon. In the coming super moon, the moon will arrive at a point only 356,955km from the earth at exactly 19:30 on Saturday, May 5 (VN time), one of the most recent approaches in the last 18 years.

Disaster related?

Nolle himself is the one who initiated the connection between super moon and all kinds of disasters in the recent history of the earth. American astronomer said that within 3 days before and after the phenomenon, the earth will face more natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanic activity due to the increase in the force of the moon. bridge. It is reasonable to listen, especially when those who believe in this hypothesis bring many events that seem to be related to super moon, such as tsunamis in Japan on March 11, 2011, while super moon It happened about a week later. The Indian Ocean tsunami on December 26, 2004 killed nearly 230,000 people two weeks before the super moon event. It has not included sporadic events known as the New England (1938) storm, or the Hunter Valley flood in New South Wales (Australia) in 1955.

Picture 1 of Obsessive super moon
Super moon is always a special phenomenon of interest - (Photo: NASA)

After NASA rejected the rumor that the super moon affected natural disasters in Japan, the British coast forces blamed that this phenomenon caused five different ships to run aground in their territorial waters, according to the Telegraph newspaper. . The rumors were even more intense when National Geographic magazine published a huge article about the new hypothesis a month ago, claiming that the sinking of the Titanic was partly due to the super moon. American astronomer Donald Olson suspects that the super moon phenomenon on January 4, 1912 may have created strong waves on the ocean, causing the icebergs to flow south, and one of them submerged the legendary ship on the first voyage on April 14, 1912. Super moon that year was also the time when she had been closest to the earth since 796, and Earth residents would not face the same phenomenon until 2257.

Tidal force increases

Before these rumors, experts always seek to explain in the most scientific way. In fact, the scientific community has been constantly studying the contexts that are related to super moon. Of course, there is no denying that the moon shortens the distance from the earth that could affect the tide, as the time on May 5 to tidal force will increase 42%, according to the Daily Mail. And according to the Natural Research Laboratory Professor Narendra Bhandari in India, that is the most obvious impact of super moon on the earth. He asserted that relying on the moon alone is not enough to cause disaster for the planet.

Besides, super moon can really create small attraction to molten lava beneath the earth's crust, but not enough to cause volcanic eruptions. Similarly, the moon could not create tsunamis, but could impact these waves higher than when the moon did not occur. Professor Bhandari's opinion received the consensus of Western experts.'Many studies on this issue have been carried out by scientists from the US Geological Survey (USGS) and other groups. They did not find anything unusual, ' USGS geophysicist John Bellini said.

The conclusion is that the upcoming super moon event will not cause earthquakes or similar incidents. Reviewing the history of the earth, most disasters happen without being affected by the super moon. The earth is simply storing too much energy, and it can be thrown out when it can't be controlled anymore.