Super bright red moon in the sky of Spain

Pictures of super bright red moon between 4 buildings in the financial area Cuatro Torres, Madrid, Spain are making the people of the world extremely excited and surprised.

>>>Super moon shines all over the world

Picture 1 of Super bright red moon in the sky of Spain
Pictures of super bright red moon between 4 high-rise buildings in Madrid, Spain surprised many people.(Photo: AP)

On August 13, ABC News reported on the strange natural phenomenon, which is a picture of a super-moon with the color of blood appearing in the sky of Spain.

Accordingly, the image of super bright red moon was taken on the evening of August 11 (local time). After being published, this image has received a lot of attention from the online community.

According to experts, the change in the earth's atmosphere may be the reason why the moon is red or orange.

Super moon is an astronomical phenomenon that usually happens several times a year. When this happens, the moon is usually the largest and brightest compared to other times of the year.