Ocean health is severely declining

According to the new report of the International Program on Ocean Status (IPSO), the health of the world's oceans is severely declining at a faster rate than expected.

According to Reuters news agency, IPSO said the oceans are facing many different threats. They are heating up due to climate change causing ice to melt, leading to changes in the water layers, reducing the level of oxygen.

Picture 1 of Ocean health is severely declining
Global seawater is acidified by human activity - (Photo: Reuters)

The oceans are acidified again by absorbing more CO2, which is heavily polluted by industrial and agricultural wastewater. People are exploiting seafood too much. IPSO affirmed that the trio is dangerous to heat up, reduce oxygen and acidification will destroy marine species.

Last year, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) also found that 70% of fish worldwide are being exploited in an unsustainable way.

'We are abusing the oceans. They have protected us from the most serious impacts of climate change, but they are heating up. Policy makers are ignoring this serious situation ' - IPSO stressed.

The report calls on governments to reach agreement to reduce CO 2 emissions that are causing acidification in the seawater and adopt a policy of sustainable fishing. IPSO thinks it is necessary to establish a global monitoring organization to protect the oceans.