Contraception for elephants

South Africa is planning to vaccinate female elephants, as the population of this species is increasingly threatening other plant and animal species here.

Picture 1 of Contraception for elephants
An elephant lives in Africa. (Photo: Nationalgeographic)

Unlike other localities in Africa - elephants are severely declining due to hunting and habitat, in KwaZulu-Natal province, east of South Africa, the population of this species is seriously outbreaking threatening to Other species, according to Reuters.

Therefore, KwaZulu-Natal province is expected to implement a birth control project for elephants, by vaccinating the female elephants, causing a reaction to the immune system to prevent sperm reception.

Tests for elephants vaccines have been carried out in 14 small protected areas and the results found no negative impact on elephant health and behavior.

The reproductive behavior of elephants is very special. Elephants do not have their own mating season. The pregnancy cycle of elephants is 22 months. New born elephants weigh about 120kg. After birth, the elephant was protected by other elephants until it was sturdy enough to be able to walk.