October 8: 2007 Nobel Prize announcement

The Nobel Foundation has just announced that it will start on October 8, the 2007 Nobel Prize in 6 fields (Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Medicine, Economics, Literature and Peace) will turn in turn. informally announced.

Picture 1 of October 8: 2007 Nobel Prize announcement

Nobel Prize medal
(Photo: Oregonstate)

Specifically, October 8 will announce the Nobel Prize in Biology or Medicine. Next, October 9. will be the Physics Prize, Chemistry Prize announced on October 10, October 15 is the Economic Prize. The above awards will be announced in Stockholm, Sweden. The Nobel Peace Prize will be announced by the Norwegian Nobel Committee on October 12.

As for the Nobel Prize for Literature, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences will announce the following announcement date.

Nobel prize results are published every year in October and are awarded (including bonuses, a gold medal and a certificate) on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death. Nobel prizes are not required to be awarded annually, but at least must be given once every 5 years. Good, once given, never stripped. Each Nobel Prize is awarded to up to 3 people each year.